SB 383, TSPLOST Agreement Modification

Municipal Impact
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Bill Sponsor

Sen. Shelly Echols
District 49

Senate Bill 383 is the companion bill to House Bill 946 by Rep. Lee Hawkins (R-Gainesville). SB 383 changes provisions around the calling of a T-SPLOST (transportation special purpose local option sales tax) referendum. Modeled after LOST (Local Option Sales Tax) IGA and distributions provisions, SB 383 allows for a county, and municipalities representing more than 50% of the county municipal population to enter into an IGA to call a ballot question for a T-SPLOST. This is a departure from current law, which requires all qualified municipalities within a county to enter into the IGA to collect the TSPLOST at the full 1 percent.

Under SB 383, municipalities which are absent from the IGA, would still receive a minimum distribution of T-SPLOST proceeds based upon a formula accounting for the city’s percentage of municipal population and centerline miles. This ratio ensures that smaller cities receive a fair share of T-SPLOST proceeds, and are being considered in the city - county negotiation process during the development of a T-SPLOST IGA. Under SB 383, if an agreement is found between a county, and all qualified municipalities within, the T-SPLOST may be levied an additional year, totaling six. 

Last Updated: 1/26/2024
Subject Area: Taxation
Resources: bill text
2/26/2024 - Pending in Senate Rules

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